(continued from Users)

Queue Destinations

See in-depth information inTourplan Auto Messaging.

Each queue message has a destination. A destination can be either an individual Tourplan user or a group of users.

A Queue Destination in this instance is defining a destination which has a group of users. This enables queue message(s) to be sent to a Queue Destination and Tourplan will distribute the message to all members of the queue destination.

On initial entry to the Queue Destinations node, any existing records will display.

Screen Shot 15: Queue Destinations Scroll

The column headings at the top of the scroll are the only column headings available in this screen.


To change the set-up of an existing Queue Destination, highlight the row and double click.

To create a new Queue Destination, click the Insert button on the button bar.

Screen Shot 16: Queue Destination Set Up

Queue Destination (15 Chars)

Enter a destination short name

Queue Description (60 Chars)

Enter a destination long name.

Tourplan Users (List)

A list of Tourplan Users who are not attached to this Queue Destination display in the left hand column. To attach a user to the destination, highlight the user name to be added in the Tourplan Users column and click the > button.

Screen Shot 17: Completed Queue Destination

Queue Members (List)

This column contains a list of Tourplan Users that are members of the Queue Destination. To remove a user from the destination, highlight the name to be removed and click the < button.

Owner (Checkbox)

A Queue Destination can have an Owner. An owner can re-assign the message to other Tourplan (non-destination member) users.

(continued in Queue Defaults)